"Scared to be alone
Frightened of the dark
Everythings too much
For a boy out of touch with his feelings
I must be to blame
I must be at fault
I believe Im never good enough
To shine a light that lingers
I have witnessed starbursts in your coal
Black eyes
I am what I try to deny
I have seen the serpent coiling set to strike
And love is the usual disguise
Pleased to meet you
Where you from
And whats your name?
Never came alive
Never cut the cord
Nothing is too much for a boy out of touch
With his feelings
Worshipping the moonshine
Skinning up the grapevine
I dont have a plan where Im going
I just follow my fingers
I will be the burning man
To grace these times
I am what I try to deny
I reflect the same eyes looking back at me
And love is the only reply
Pleased to meet you
Where you from and whats your name
Were more than enough
Dead ringers
Pleased to meet you
Where you from
And whats your name ?
Whats your name ?"
* Simplesmente uma letra e música linda
O som do dia...
Bubbles - James (2008)
O som do dia em imagens...
quinta-feira, 8 de maio de 2008
Ser famoso custa!!!
"Destiny Calling" é um tema dos James saído do Best Of do grupo no ano de 1998... A música retrata a ascenção ao estrelato do grupo e brinca com a opinião expressa por algumas pessoas de que a banda se estaria a "vender" ao mercado...
Este single (que foi nº 17 no Top Britânico) mostra os membros do grupo cientes do seu sucesso e das implicações do seu reconhecimento... Apontam a "doença" dos fãs mais acérrimos que insistem em tratar os seus ídolos como figuras quase divinas: "Cover us in chocolate / Sell us to the neighbours / Frame us on a video / Clone us in a test tube / Sell us to the multitude / Guess that's the price of fame", mas também mostra uma banda consciente de que tudo é efémero e que nada, nem mesmo a fama, dura para sempre: "Tell us when our time's up / Show us how to die well / Show us how to let it all go"...
No fim da música, ficamos com a sensação de ter escutado uma das canções mais auto-conscientes acerca da vida dos artistas que são tornados estrelas e que, de alguma forma, lutam contra esta condição... Os James, como poucos, sabem fazer a distinção entre o mundo caótico e menos gratificante do estrelato e aquilo que é a sua arte e a mestria de fazer canções.....................
Este single (que foi nº 17 no Top Britânico) mostra os membros do grupo cientes do seu sucesso e das implicações do seu reconhecimento... Apontam a "doença" dos fãs mais acérrimos que insistem em tratar os seus ídolos como figuras quase divinas: "Cover us in chocolate / Sell us to the neighbours / Frame us on a video / Clone us in a test tube / Sell us to the multitude / Guess that's the price of fame", mas também mostra uma banda consciente de que tudo é efémero e que nada, nem mesmo a fama, dura para sempre: "Tell us when our time's up / Show us how to die well / Show us how to let it all go"...
No fim da música, ficamos com a sensação de ter escutado uma das canções mais auto-conscientes acerca da vida dos artistas que são tornados estrelas e que, de alguma forma, lutam contra esta condição... Os James, como poucos, sabem fazer a distinção entre o mundo caótico e menos gratificante do estrelato e aquilo que é a sua arte e a mestria de fazer canções.....................

O Preço da fama.....
Destiny Calling - - - James
So we maybe gorgeous
So we maybe famous
Come back when we're getting old
Cover us in chocolate
Sell us to the neighbours
Frame us on a video
Clone us in a test tub
eSell us to the multitude
Guess that's the price of fame
She likes the black one
He likes the the posh one
Cute ones are usually gay
Here we come this is our destiny calling
We're freaks
This is our destiny calling
This is our destiny calling now
Don't believe the adverts
Don't believe the experts
Everyone will sell our souls
Get a little wiser
Get a little humble
Now we know that we don't know
Tell us when our time's up
Show us how to die well
Show us how to let it all go
Here we come this is our destiny calling
We're freaks
This is our destiny calling
This is our destiny calling now
Some fat cat's playing the roulette with lives
This game is fixed it's all a lie
Some fat cat's playing the roulette with lives
This time is good, there's no straight lines
Some fat cat's playing the roulette with lives
Forget myself we're all entwined
There's no straight lines
Here we come this our destiny calling
We're freaks
This is our destiny calling
This is our destiny calling now
Here we come this our destiny calling
We're freaks
This is our destiny calling
This is our destiny calling now
This is our destiny calling
So we maybe gorgeous
So we maybe famous
Come back when we're getting old
Cover us in chocolate
Sell us to the neighbours
Frame us on a video
Clone us in a test tub
eSell us to the multitude
Guess that's the price of fame
She likes the black one
He likes the the posh one
Cute ones are usually gay
Here we come this is our destiny calling
We're freaks
This is our destiny calling
This is our destiny calling now
Don't believe the adverts
Don't believe the experts
Everyone will sell our souls
Get a little wiser
Get a little humble
Now we know that we don't know
Tell us when our time's up
Show us how to die well
Show us how to let it all go
Here we come this is our destiny calling
We're freaks
This is our destiny calling
This is our destiny calling now
Some fat cat's playing the roulette with lives
This game is fixed it's all a lie
Some fat cat's playing the roulette with lives
This time is good, there's no straight lines
Some fat cat's playing the roulette with lives
Forget myself we're all entwined
There's no straight lines
Here we come this our destiny calling
We're freaks
This is our destiny calling
This is our destiny calling now
Here we come this our destiny calling
We're freaks
This is our destiny calling
This is our destiny calling now
This is our destiny calling
terça-feira, 6 de maio de 2008
E não é que...
... Os James são uma banda surgida em Manchester, no ano 1981, a partir da reunião de Paul Gilbertson, Jim Glennie (baixo) e Gavan Whelan (bateria)..? Tim Booth foi inicialmente convidado a participar como dançarino... Depressa passou a escrever a letra das músicas e a dar voz ao projecto...
... O nome da banda surgiu a partir do primeiro nome de Glennie, Jim..? Os membros pensaram
que "Paul" era demasiado modesto e "Gavan" muito rockeiro... Booth pensou que "Tim" daria um ar de superioridade ao vocalista e, de algum modo, parte mais visível do grupo...
... Paul Gilbertson foi convidado a sair da banda porque o seu problema com as drogas minava o espírito criativo e a produtividade do grupo..? Parece que há sempre um em cada banda!!!
... Nos anos 80, depois de um período de instabilidade criativa - e financeira - os membros dos James ofereceram-se como cobaias para o teste de alguns medicamentos na Manchester Royal Infirmary..? O facto de terem uma comunidade de fãs já estabelecida e o poderio das suas actuações resgataram-nos do esquecimento e colocaram-nos novamente no caminho do sucesso...
... O maior sucesso dos James chegou nos anos 90, mais concretamente no ano de 1991, aquando do lançamento do single "Sit Down"..? Este tema levou o grupo ao nº 2 do Top de singles Britânico...
... Em 1998, os James lançaram o Best Of dos seus temas, levando-os aos primeiros lugares dos Tops mundiais..? Como consequência, o seu sucesso foi renovado e os bilhetes para os seus concertos esgotavam em pouco tempo...
... Em 2001, Tim Booth anunciou que ia sair dos James, apesar de a separação do grupo nunca ser oficializada..? Regressaram ao activo em 2007 e em breve estarão em Portugal... Bem-Vindos...
... Em 2005, Booth tornou-se no primeiro cantor a retratar um vilão do Batman em Batman Begins..? No filme, Booth foi Victor Zsasz, um psicopata homicida que marca a contagem das suas vítimas com cortes no corpo... Brrr...

segunda-feira, 5 de maio de 2008
Do álbum "Seven" (1992)
"Ring the bells
Wake the town
Everyone is sleeping
Shout at the crowd
Wake them up
This angers deeper than sleep.
Got to keep awake to what is happening.
I can't see a thing through my ambitions,
I no longer feel like God is watching over me
Got to tell the world we've all been dreaming
This is not the end, a new beginning
I no longer feel my God is watching over me.
Break the code.
Let the doors swing open
See through all your walls
All your floors
Now you're in deeper than sleep
Got to keep awake to what is happening.
I can't see a thing through my ambitions,
I no longer feel like God is watching over me
Got to tell the world we've all been dreaming
This is not the end, a new beginning
I no longer feel my God is watching over me.
When you let me fall
Grew my own wings
Now I'm as tall as the sky
When you let me drown
Grew gills and fins
Now I'm as deep as the sea
When you let me die
My spirit's free
There's nothing challenging me."
Wake the town
Everyone is sleeping
Shout at the crowd
Wake them up
This angers deeper than sleep.
Got to keep awake to what is happening.
I can't see a thing through my ambitions,
I no longer feel like God is watching over me
Got to tell the world we've all been dreaming
This is not the end, a new beginning
I no longer feel my God is watching over me.
Break the code.
Let the doors swing open
See through all your walls
All your floors
Now you're in deeper than sleep
Got to keep awake to what is happening.
I can't see a thing through my ambitions,
I no longer feel like God is watching over me
Got to tell the world we've all been dreaming
This is not the end, a new beginning
I no longer feel my God is watching over me.
When you let me fall
Grew my own wings
Now I'm as tall as the sky
When you let me drown
Grew gills and fins
Now I'm as deep as the sea
When you let me die
My spirit's free
There's nothing challenging me."
domingo, 4 de maio de 2008
I swear I can see your soul
Sometimes - James
There's a storm outside, and the gap between crack and thunder
There's a storm outside, and the gap between crack and thunder
Crack and thunder, is closing in, is closing in
The rain floods gutters, and makes a great sound on the concrete
On a flat roof, there's a boy leaning against the wall of rain
Aerial held high, calling "come on thunder, come on thunder"
Sometimes, when I look deep in your eyes, I swear I can see your soul
Sometimes, when I look deep in your eyes, I swear I can see your soul
It's a monsoon, and the rain lifts lids off cars
Spinning buses like toys, stripping them to chrome
Across the bay, the waves are turning into something else
Picking up fishing boats and spewing them on the shore
The boy is hit, lit up against the sky, like a sign, like a neon sign
And he crumples, drops into the gutter, legs twitching
The flood swells his clothes and delivers him on, delivers him on
Sometimes, when I look deep in your eyes, I swear I can see your soul
Sometimes, when I look deep in your eyes, I swear I can see your soul
There's four new colors in the rainbow
An old man's taking polaroids
But all he captures is endless rain, endless rain
He says listen, takes my head and puts my ear to his
And I swear I can hear the sea
Somtimes, when I look in your eyes I can see your soul
(I can reach your soul)
(I can touch your soul)
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