"You Owe Me Nothing In Return"
"I'll give you countless amounts of outright acceptance if you want it
I will give you encouragement to choose the path that you want if you need it
You can speak of anger and doubts your fears and freak outs and I'll hold it
You can share your so-called shame filled accounts of times in your life and I won't judge it
(and there are no strings attached to it)
You owe me nothing for giving the love that I give
You owe me nothing for caring the way that I have
I give you thanks for receiving it's my privilege
And you owe me nothing in return
You can ask for space for yourself and only yourself and I'll grant it
You can ask for freedom as well or time to travel and you'll have it
You can ask to live by yourself or love someone else and I'll support it
You can ask for anything you want anything at all and I'll understand it
(and there are no strings attached to it)
You owe me nothing for giving the love that I give
You owe me nothing for caring the way that I have
I give you thanks for receiving it's my privilege
And you owe me nothing in return
I bet you're wondering when the next payback shoe will eventually drop
I bet you're wondering when my conditional police will force you to cough up
I bet wonder how far you have now danced you way back into debt
This is the only kind of love as I understand it that there really is
You can express your deepest of truths even if it means I'll lose you and I'll hear it
You can fall into the abyss on your way to your bliss I'll empathize with
You can say that you have to skip town to chase your passion I'll hear it
You can even hit rock bottom have a mid-life crisis and I'll hold it
(and there are no strings attached)
You owe me nothing for giving the love that I give
You owe me nothing for caring the way that I have
I give you thanks for receiving it's my privilege
And you owe me nothing in return"
* Para ouvir com o volume "quase" no máximo
O som do dia...
Bubbles - James (2008)
O som do dia em imagens...
sexta-feira, 18 de abril de 2008
Dizem "eles"...
... que o àlbum Under Rug Swept é muito semelhante ao primeiro álbum da Alanis, pelo seu carácter "feminista".
Eu penso que este álbum em termos de composição é do melhor; mais feminino ou não... mas com um carácter mais pessoal, talvez ... quem sabe por colocar as suas vivências nas composições (especulamos nós), uma vez que as músicas são compostas por esta grande cantora..
O importante é que neste álbum encontramos grandes motivos para debruçarmo-nos sobre as letras e ouvirmos com atenção:
21 Things I Want In A Lover
Hands Clean
So Unsexy
Precious Illusions
That Particular Time
A Man
You Owe Me Nothing In Return
Do àlbum "Under Rug Swept" (2002)
"So Unsexy"
"Oh these little rejections how they add up quickly
One small sideways look and I feel so ungood
Somewhere along the way I think I gave you the power to make
Me feel the way I thought only my father could
Oh these little rejections how they seem so real to me
One forgotten birthday I'm all but cooked
How these little abandonments seem to sting so easily
I'm 13 again am I 13 for good?
I can feel so unsexy for someone so beautiful
So unloved for someone so fine
I can feel so boring for someone so interesting
So ignorant for someone of sound mind
Oh these little protections how they fail to serve me
One forgotten phone call and I'm deflated
Oh these little defenses how they fail to comfort me
Your hand pulling away and I'm devastated
When will you stop leaving baby?
When will I stop deserting baby?
When will I start staying with myself?
Oh these little projections how they keep springing from me
I jump my ship as I take it personally
Oh these little rejections how they disappear quickly
The moment I decide not to abandon me"
*Ouvir bem alto...
"Oh these little rejections how they add up quickly
One small sideways look and I feel so ungood
Somewhere along the way I think I gave you the power to make
Me feel the way I thought only my father could
Oh these little rejections how they seem so real to me
One forgotten birthday I'm all but cooked
How these little abandonments seem to sting so easily
I'm 13 again am I 13 for good?
I can feel so unsexy for someone so beautiful
So unloved for someone so fine
I can feel so boring for someone so interesting
So ignorant for someone of sound mind
Oh these little protections how they fail to serve me
One forgotten phone call and I'm deflated
Oh these little defenses how they fail to comfort me
Your hand pulling away and I'm devastated
When will you stop leaving baby?
When will I stop deserting baby?
When will I start staying with myself?
Oh these little projections how they keep springing from me
I jump my ship as I take it personally
Oh these little rejections how they disappear quickly
The moment I decide not to abandon me"
*Ouvir bem alto...
quinta-feira, 17 de abril de 2008
An old man turned ninety-eight
He won the lottery and died the next day
It's a black fly in your Chardonnay
It's a death row pardon two minutes too late
Isn't it ironic... don't you think
It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought... it figures
Mr. Play it Safe was afraid to fly
He packed his suitcase and kissed his kids good-bye
He waited his whole damn life to take that flight
And as the plane crashed down he thought
"Well, isn't this nice."
And isn't it ironic ... don't you think
It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought... it figures
Well life has a funny way
of sneaking up on you when you think everything's okay and everything's going right
And life has a funny way
of helping you out when you think everything's gone wrong and everthing blows up in your face
A traffic jam when you're already late
A no-smoking sign on your cigarette break
It's like 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife
It's meeting the man of my dreams
And then meeting his beautiful wife
And isn't it ironic... don't you think
A little too ironic.. and yeah I really do think...
(repeat chorus)
Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
And life has a funny, funny way of helping you out
Helping you out
A primeira...
Hoje decidi apresentar a 1ª senhora do nosso blog... Alanis Morissete, é uma canadiana que começou a sua carreira a apresentar um programa infantil, tinha ela ainda 11 anos... Em 1991 lançou o seu primeiro álbum de nome Alanis, seguído de outro álbum em 1992... mas a verdadeira explosão aconteceu com Jagged Little Pill, que vendeu mais 30 milhões de cópias... um número que dá guerra a muitas das estrelas da música, num mundo controlado por muito tempo pelos homens, mas não é só as senhoras do pop que conseguem nos fazer desligar o rádio ás vezes por tão irritantes que se tornam as suas músicas, que servem simplesmente para vender que vingam... Alanis é um bom exemplo disso, com um estilo entre o Pop e o Rock, com músicas extemamente imaginativas, que falam das coisas mais simples que todos os dias nos acontecem, o que dá as suas músicas um outro valor... o de fazer pensar... Mas isto é apenas uma opinião, mas aposto que poderão tirar as vossas melhores ideias sobre as musicas desta Deusa (vejam o filme Dogma)...
quarta-feira, 16 de abril de 2008
E não é que...
... O album Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness, lançado em 1995, foi o album duplo mais vendido da época..?
... Em 1991, durante a digressão pelos Estados Unidos, todos os membros da banda tinham problemas bem sérios: James Iha (guitarra) e D'Arcy Wretzky (baixo) passavam por uma separação difícil, Jimmy Chamberlain (bateria) estava dependente do alcool e de drogas, e Billy Corgan (vocalista) passava por uma depressão séria..?
... Antes de alcançarem o sucesso, os Smashing Pumpkins fizeram as primeiras partes de bandas como os Red Hot Chili Peppers e os Guns 'n' Roses..?
... O album Nevermind, dos Nirvana, de 1991, elevou de tal modo a fasquia da música Rock, que Billy Corgan reconheceu que "se não fizessemos um disco assim tão bom, estaríamos arrumados"..? O resultado foi o grande album Siamese Twins, de 1993...
... Os Smashing foram convidados d'Os Simpsons, em 1996..? Nesse episódio, Homer está deprimido por estar a envelhecer e junta-se às bandas de um festival de música, onde o grupo actua...
... O tema "The End is the Beginning" foi gravado para banda sonora de Batman & Robin, e acabou por ganhar o Grammy para "Melhor Actuação de Hard Rock"..?
... Antes da separação da banda, em 2000, os Smashing Pumpkins deram um concerto de despedida no mesmo clube onde iniciaram a sua carreira, o Metro de Chicago..? O concerto teve 4 horas de duração e apresentou 35 temas do grupo...
Os Smashing Pumpkins regressaram em 2006, e lançaram o album Zeitgeist no ano seguinte, que entrou para o nº 2 do top da Billboard... Quem sabe, sabe.......................

terça-feira, 15 de abril de 2008
Um album perto da perfeição.....
Não será exagerado dizer que Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness, dos americanos Smashing Pumpkins, é um dos melhores albuns de sempre...
Este album duplo, de 1995, valeu ao grupo de Billy Corgan o primeiro lugar do Top na conceituada revista Billboard e 9 platinas... Foi também nomeado para 7 Grammy em 1997 e colocado na 29ª posição nos "Melhores Albuns de Sempre" pela revista Q, e figura ainda na lista dos "500 Melhores de Sempre" para a revista Rolling Stone...
O que o faz ser um GRANDE album?
Trata-se de um album conceptual, baseado no ciclo da Vida - nascimento, vida e morte -, e as suas músicas espelham-no na perfeição... Do imortal "Bullet with Butterfly Wings", passando por "Tonight Tonight", "Zero", até "1979", todo o album é de uma mestria incrível, notando-se nele o investimento colocado na sua criação... As músicas são poderosas e recheadas de significados profundos, e cada uma diz algo a alguém... Ao longo dos seus 28 temas estão todos os ingredientes que fizeram da banda um dos nomes mais sonantes da música dos anos 90: letras fortes e cheias de sentimento, melodias contagiantes e que evocam, realmente, a melancolia e alguma trsiteza, e originalidade no som e na arte de apresentação do próprio album...
Por estas e outras razões, Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness é um album MUITO perto da perfeição..................
Este album duplo, de 1995, valeu ao grupo de Billy Corgan o primeiro lugar do Top na conceituada revista Billboard e 9 platinas... Foi também nomeado para 7 Grammy em 1997 e colocado na 29ª posição nos "Melhores Albuns de Sempre" pela revista Q, e figura ainda na lista dos "500 Melhores de Sempre" para a revista Rolling Stone...
O que o faz ser um GRANDE album?
Trata-se de um album conceptual, baseado no ciclo da Vida - nascimento, vida e morte -, e as suas músicas espelham-no na perfeição... Do imortal "Bullet with Butterfly Wings", passando por "Tonight Tonight", "Zero", até "1979", todo o album é de uma mestria incrível, notando-se nele o investimento colocado na sua criação... As músicas são poderosas e recheadas de significados profundos, e cada uma diz algo a alguém... Ao longo dos seus 28 temas estão todos os ingredientes que fizeram da banda um dos nomes mais sonantes da música dos anos 90: letras fortes e cheias de sentimento, melodias contagiantes e que evocam, realmente, a melancolia e alguma trsiteza, e originalidade no som e na arte de apresentação do próprio album...
Por estas e outras razões, Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness é um album MUITO perto da perfeição..................

"To Forgive" ...
Incluído no album "Mellon Collie & The Infinite Sadness" (1995)
"Ten times removed
I forget about where it all began
Bastard son of a bastard son of
A wild eyed child of the sun
And right as rain, I'm not the same but
I feel the same, I feel nothing
Holding back the fool again
Holding back the fool pretends
I forget to forget nothing is important
Holding back the fool again
I sensed my loss
Before I even learned to talk
And I remember my birthdays
Empty party afternoons won't come back
Holding back the fool again
Holding back the fool pretends
I forget to forget nothing is important
Holding back the fool again
I forget to forget me
I forget to forget you see
Nothing is important to me
I knew my loss
Before I even learned to speak
And all along, I knew it was wrong
But I played along, with my birthday song
Holding back the fool again
Holding back the fool pretends
I forget to forget nothing is important
Holding back the fool again"
"Ten times removed
I forget about where it all began
Bastard son of a bastard son of
A wild eyed child of the sun
And right as rain, I'm not the same but
I feel the same, I feel nothing
Holding back the fool again
Holding back the fool pretends
I forget to forget nothing is important
Holding back the fool again
I sensed my loss
Before I even learned to talk
And I remember my birthdays
Empty party afternoons won't come back
Holding back the fool again
Holding back the fool pretends
I forget to forget nothing is important
Holding back the fool again
I forget to forget me
I forget to forget you see
Nothing is important to me
I knew my loss
Before I even learned to speak
And all along, I knew it was wrong
But I played along, with my birthday song
Holding back the fool again
Holding back the fool pretends
I forget to forget nothing is important
Holding back the fool again"
segunda-feira, 14 de abril de 2008
Álbuns - The Smashing Pumpkins
1991 - |Gish|
1993 - |Siamese Dream|
1994 - |Pisces Iscariot|
1995 - |Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness|
1998 - |Adore|
2000 - |MACHINA/The Machines of God|
2001 - |Machina II|
2002 - |Earphoria|
2007 - |Zeitgeist|
1993 - |Siamese Dream|
1994 - |Pisces Iscariot|
1995 - |Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness|
1998 - |Adore|
2000 - |MACHINA/The Machines of God|
2001 - |Machina II|
2002 - |Earphoria|
2007 - |Zeitgeist|
Smashing Pumpkins In the Arms of Sleep
"Sleep will not come to this tired body now
Peace will not come to this lonely heart
There are some things I'll live without
But I want you to know that I need you right now
I need you tonite
I steal a kiss from her sleeping shadow moves
Cause I'll always miss her wherever she goes
And I'll always need her more than she could ever need me
I need someone to ease my mind
But sometimes a someone is so hard to find
And I'll do anything to keep her here tonite
And I'll say anything to make her feel alright
And I'll be anything to keep her here tonite
Cause I want you to stay, with me
I need you tonite
She comes to me like an angel out of time
As I play the part of a saint on my knees
There are some things I'll live without
But I want you to know that I need you right now
Suffer my desire
Suffer my desire
Suffer my desire for you"
Peace will not come to this lonely heart
There are some things I'll live without
But I want you to know that I need you right now
I need you tonite
I steal a kiss from her sleeping shadow moves
Cause I'll always miss her wherever she goes
And I'll always need her more than she could ever need me
I need someone to ease my mind
But sometimes a someone is so hard to find
And I'll do anything to keep her here tonite
And I'll say anything to make her feel alright
And I'll be anything to keep her here tonite
Cause I want you to stay, with me
I need you tonite
She comes to me like an angel out of time
As I play the part of a saint on my knees
There are some things I'll live without
But I want you to know that I need you right now
Suffer my desire
Suffer my desire
Suffer my desire for you"
Tonight, Tonight - The Smashing Pumpkins
"Time is never time at all
You can never ever leave without leaving a piece of youth
And our lives are forever changed
We will never be the same
The more you change the less you feel
Believe, believe in me, believe
That life can change, that you're not stuck in vain
We're not the same, we're different tonight
Tonight, so bright
And you know you're never sure
But you're sure you could be right
If you held yourself up to the light
And the embers never fade in your city by the lake
The place where you were born
Believe, believe in me, believe
In the resolute urgency of now
And if you believe there's not a chance tonight
Tonight, so bright
We'll crucify the insincere tonight
We'll make things right, we'll feel it all tonight
We'll find a way to offer up the night tonight
The indescribable moments of your life tonight
The impossible is possible tonight
Believe in me as I believe in you, tonight"
You can never ever leave without leaving a piece of youth
And our lives are forever changed
We will never be the same
The more you change the less you feel
Believe, believe in me, believe
That life can change, that you're not stuck in vain
We're not the same, we're different tonight
Tonight, so bright
And you know you're never sure
But you're sure you could be right
If you held yourself up to the light
And the embers never fade in your city by the lake
The place where you were born
Believe, believe in me, believe
In the resolute urgency of now
And if you believe there's not a chance tonight
Tonight, so bright
We'll crucify the insincere tonight
We'll make things right, we'll feel it all tonight
We'll find a way to offer up the night tonight
The indescribable moments of your life tonight
The impossible is possible tonight
Believe in me as I believe in you, tonight"
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